What if you felt so ready for the sex talk that you were looking forward to it?
The anxiety, worry, and stress about having that one sex talk - which you've been avoiding for some time now - can stop today! All it takes is 20 minutes to watch 1 Top Talks lesson for you to start immediately feeling that that talk (you've been avoiding) is easily doable!
Convincing your kid to come to you with their sex questions, starts with you!!
You've heard parents say it to their kid, "You can always come to me if you have any questions!" RARELY do tweens and pre-teens actually do this! Top Talks teaches you how to approach your kid with a sex talk so that they actually feel comfortable coming to you with their sex questions in the future.
You don't need another course to teach you what is sex, masturbation, or porn. You need a strategy to deliver that information to your kid.
Sex education is all over the internet! You can learn what sex or masturbation is anywhere. Top Talks teaches you how to deliver age-appropriate information in a strategic way to your kid. No more over-sharing. No more wondering how much to say. Top Talks simplifies the sex talks for you!
Top Talks: Age-Appropriate Talks to Have with your Tween
Gain the skills, knowledge, & confidence to have: 1The Where do Babies Come From Talk The Sex Talk The Puberty Talk The Relationships Talk The Online Safety Talk The Masturbation Talk The Porn Talk AND Get the *Digital Downloads too: Complete Guide to the Early Sex Talks Pocket Guide to Where do Babies Come From Puberty Topics in a Jar Teen Topics in a Jar *included in Top Talks: Unlimited Access & Top Talks: 35 Days Access for a limited time
Confidently Navigate the Sex Talk
Learn how to approach the sex talk in a way that is comprehensive, informative, and age-appropriate for your child.
Layered Approach to Sex Education
Learn how the layers - layer! Discover how easy it is to provide information that builds upon each other! Ensuring your child receives the right amount of details - at the right time.
Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Understand how comprehensive sex education can safeguard your child against abuse and exploitation and promote healthy boundaries.
STOP Wondering if you are Saying the Right Thing!
Do you need assurance that you are having age-appropriate talks? As a parent herself, Kathleen knows every parent is worried that they might say the wrong thing, give age-inappropriate information, or say TOO much! Top Talks removes the uncertainty and guides you to have confident conversations about puberty, reproduction, sexuality, masturbation, and porn.
Top Talks Course Curriculum
Welcome to Top Talks
(Included in full purchase)
The Top Talks Approach to the Sex Talks
(Included in full purchase)
DD: The Complete Guide to the Early Sex Talks
(Included in full purchase)
DD: Pocket Guide to the Where do Babies Come From Talk
(Included in full purchase)
DD: Puberty Topics in a Jar
(Included in full purchase)
DD: Teen Topics in a Jar
(Included in full purchase)
The Where do Babies Come From Talk
(Included in full purchase)
When do Kids Ask WDBCF?
(Included in full purchase)
Starting this Talk at Age 4 or Age 7?
(Included in full purchase)
The WDBCF Talk: Layer #1
(Included in full purchase)
POCKET GUIDE: The WDBCF Talk: Layer #2
(Included in full purchase)
Will Your Kid Ask, "Is that sex?" during Layer #2
(Included in full purchase)
The WDBCF Talk: Layer #3
(Included in full purchase)
How to Tell Your Kid, "Don't Share This Info with your Friends?"
(Included in full purchase)
The Sex Talk
(Included in full purchase)
When is it Age-Appropriate for the Sex Talk?
(Included in full purchase)
What are the 7 Signs Your Child is Ready for the Sex Talk?
(Included in full purchase)
How do I Start the Sex Talk? What do I Say?
(Included in full purchase)
The Sex Talk: Layer #1
(Included in full purchase)
Completed Layer #1 of the Sex Talk? Here's What to Do Now.
(Included in full purchase)
The Sex Talk: Layer #2
(Included in full purchase)
The Sex Talk: Layer #3
(Included in full purchase)
The Puberty Talk
(Included in full purchase)
Here's Why Most Parents Feel Comfortable Talking about Puberty
(Included in full purchase)
FREE: Download Puberty Topics in a Jar
(Included in full purchase)
When is it age-appropriate to have Puberty Talks?
(Included in full purchase)
The Puberty Talk: Layer #1
(Included in full purchase)
The Puberty Talk: Layer #2
(Included in full purchase)
The Puberty Talk: Layer #3
(Included in full purchase)
The Push & Pull of Puberty for Parents
(Included in full purchase)
Completely Change Your Parenting Approach to the Sex Talks in 10 minutes!
(Included in full purchase)
Easily Transform Your Parent-Child Communication
(Included in full purchase)
Effectively Communicate: Having 'Strategic' Sex Talks
(Included in full purchase)
What's the Goal of the Sex Talks?
(Included in full purchase)
The Relationships Talk
(Included in full purchase)
Friendships, Crushes, & Love
(Included in full purchase)
Love: What's Age-Appropriate?
(Included in full purchase)
Sex vs. Sexuality
(Included in full purchase)
The Questions to Start Asking
(Included in full purchase)
The Masturbation Talk
(Included in full purchase)
Is the Masturbation Talk Really Necessary?
(Included in full purchase)
How do I Start the Masturbation Talk?
(Included in full purchase)
The Masturbation Talk: Layer #1
(Included in full purchase)
The Masturbation Talk: Layer #2
(Included in full purchase)
The Masturbation Talk: Layer #3
(Included in full purchase)
The Porn Talk
(Included in full purchase)
Why does the Porn Talk Feel Overwhelming?
(Included in full purchase)
The Porn Talk: Layer #1
(Included in full purchase)
The Porn Talk: Layer #2
(Included in full purchase)
The Porn Talk: Is “Porn Addiction” Real?
(Included in full purchase)
The Porn Talk: Layer #3
(Included in full purchase)
Is Top Talks Age-Appropriate?
Top Talks follows international guidelines based off of the World Health Organization's guidance for providing age-appropriate sexuality education.
What do I Say During a Sex Talk?
Top Talks equips you with proven scripts to confidently discuss sensitive topics with children in the intermediate (7,8,9) and middle school (10,11,12) age groups.
When should I Have the Porn Talk?
Top Talks provides a strategic roadmap for progressively layering each talk. Building out your skills over time, you will be able to deliver a confident discussion about porn, including a porn literacy talk, by the end of middle school.
Meet Kathleen Hema

With 15+ years of experience in sex education, Kathleen is dedicated to empowering parents with the tools & strategies to effectively start The Sex Talks and keep them going. She has guided parents in 80+ countries with her simplified and layered approach to the sex talks. "I designed Top Talks for the hundreds of parents who DM me on a daily basis wondering if they should be having (insert any sex talk) with their kid and if so, what should they say!? I am a mom of 2 young kids and I'm actively having the sex talks in my own home. I know it can be nerve-wracking to bring up these topics with your own kid and that's why I created Top Talks. I want every parent to feel confident answering their kids' sex question and explaining these topics in a medically-accurate and age-appropriate way."
Here's what Parents have to say about Top Talks!
"Not only was I able to get through the conversation in a confident manner but being able to open the lines of communication and trust on that subject is something I will forever be grateful for."
"I am no longer afraid to have the talks."
"In the end, it wasn't as scary as I had made it in my mind to be. Kathleen guided me and gave me the confidence to know what I was doing was age-appropriate!"
"It literally took 2 minutes to have the sex talk!"
"I dreaded having this talk and kept on putting it off. In the end, I explained it just like in the course and he had the exact reactions Kathleen said a 9 year-old would have. I'm so happy I didn't wait any longer!"
Top Talks: Unlimited Access vs. Top Talks: 35 Days Access
Parents - You get to choose what works best for you! Top Talks offers 2 options: $300 for Unlimited Access or $150 for 35 days of Access. Both options give you access to the FULL course along with all the digital downloads provided for *FREE inside. These digital downloads include The Complete Guide to the Early Sex Talks, Pocket Guide: Where do Babies Come From?, Puberty Topics in Jar, & Teen Topics in a Jar. Top Talks: Unlimited Access = Lifetime Access Do you want the freedom to go at your own speed? Do you have kids in different age ranges? Do you want to jump to the topic that is only relevant to your kids' age & then come back in the future to get prepared for the next talk? Don't waste your time trying to learn everything all at once! All the lessons will always be there - you can pick up where you left off as your kid gets older. You get access to all the updates, including new lessons & new digital downloads as they are released! Top Talks: 35 Days Access = 35 days access to the course Do you just need some information, right now? Choose Top Talks: 35 Days Access in order to get the immediate information you need, right now, to have a specific talk. Do I get access to the Top Talks Parenting Program? Unfortunately, with Top Talks: Unlimited Access or 35 Days Access, there is no automatic invitation to join the Top Talks Parenting Program which meets once a month. In the Parenting Program you can ask individual questions and receive personalized advice from Kathleen, learn from other parents who have kids around the same age, and get invitations to special guest livestreams. Get to meet, ask questions, and learn from friends of Kathleen's who are talented authors, researchers, professors, and content creators! If you are interested in joining the Top Talks Parenting Program, you can submit a request to join by sending an email to [email protected] *for a limited time
Stay up-to-date with the latest research in Top Talks
In the world of parenting & education, new research is released all the time. Top Talks stays relevant and is regularly updated to provide you with this information. No need to wonder if the stats are current - they are! You can be rest-assured that you are giving your kid the most accurate information that is currently available.
My Kid is 5 years-old, Would Top Talks work for them?
Potentially, Yes. Top Talks is designed for parents who are about to have the sex, masturbation, or porn talk for the first time. None of those 3 talks are age-appropriate for a 5 year-old. However, you can get prepared for those future talks by learning how to have the Where do Babies Come From Talk (included in Top Talks). As well as use the digital download the Complete Guide for the Early Sex Talks (included in Top Talks) which is designed for parents of kids between the ages of 3-6.
My Kid is 9 years-old, Would Top Talks Work for Them?
Yes, Top Talks is designed for parents to deliver these talks to their kid between the ages of 7-12. It's tailored for starting the talks anytime during the intermediate age (7,8,9) and continue through the middle school age (10,11,12).
My Kid is 13 years-old, Would Top Talks work for them?
Most Likely, Yes. The intention of Top Talks is to layer the talks over a period of 3-6 years. If you have a 13 year-old, all of the information in Top Talks is age-appropriate, but you don't have the luxury of time! You will notice that your 13 year-old may not ask the common questions provided or engage in the talks, but stay on course because they are hearing the information and that's really great!
What Digital Downloads are Included in Top Talks?
ALL OF THEM! Top Talks gives you the tools you need to confidently succeed in the talks! Digital Downloads that are Immediately Available upon Enrolling: The Complete Guide to the Early Sex Talks $30 Pocket Guide: Where do Babies Come From? $20 Puberty Topics in a Jar $30 Teen Topics in a Jar $30 If you purchased all the digital downloads individually it would cost you over $100. Whether you choose Top Talks: Full Access or Top Talks for 35 Days, you get all the current digital downloads included for FREE. I have developed these digital downloads to assist parents in having the talks and I love creating new tools to help parents succeed in having the talks. By choosing Top Talks: Unlimited Access ($300), you will automatically get immediate access to any new digital download being offered, as well as course updates to current lessons, and all new course lessons. You won't even have to do anything extra! Just being enrolled in Unlimited Access, it will automatically appear in your Top Talks course curriculum. Top Talks for 35 Days ($150) is for parents who need to get the talks done quickly! This enrollment grants you access to the full course including *all the digital downloads (over $100 in value) for 35 days from the date of signing up. You choose what works best for you and your family! *for a limited time
Ready to Start having Top Talks?
Enroll today and start having age-appropriate and medically-accurate sex talks today.